Commissioner Charlie Struble-Mook

Commissioner Charlie Struble-Mook

Charlie Struble - Mook 
61 Taylor Ave
Deadwood, SD 57732
(605) 641-4847 (cell) 
Term (May 2023 through April 2026)

Charlie Struble is 3rd generation resident having lived in Deadwood her entire life. In May of 2023, she began to serve third term as City Commissioner with oversight of the Historic Preservation Office and the Parks, Recreation and Events Department. She is also the chair of the City’s Event Committee, the Library Resprentative and active in the Main Street Initiative program.

Charlie is a member of Keehn Family which has owned the legendary Old-Style Saloon #10 since 1963 where she works as the assistant bar manager. She still finds time to be active in numerous other organizations such as the Northern Hills Relay for Life, the vice-chair of the Deadwood Jam and Deadwood Pride. In 2015, she was recognized as Young Professional of the Year by the Deadwood Chamber.

Charlie graduated from Black Hills State University with a Bachelor of Science in Education (Chemistry & Earth Science) with a minor in Spanish. She loves to study and taste new bourbons and whiskeys as well as golf, exercise, ride motorcycle and spend quality time with family. She is married to Jason Mook owner of Deadwood Custom Cycles. They have three dogs, a cat and a turtle named Salvador.