Historic Preservation Commission

The City of Deadwood is designated as a National Historic Landmark and is listed on both the National and South Dakota Registers of Historic Places. Due to these conditions and the community’s desire to protect its historic resources, the city established the Deadwood Historic Preservation Commission and implemented a process of architectural design review.

Any changes to the exterior of a property within a locally-designated historic district, or requiring a city building permit, must receive a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Deadwood Historic Preservation Commission before any work can commence. If the building is not located within a locally-designated historic district then property owners must receive a Project Approval from the Deadwood Historic Preservation Commission before any work can commence. These requirements include exterior paint colors and coatings.

Requiring a Certificate of Appropriateness ensures that changes do not damage the city’s historic character. Review is not meant to discourage alterations, but to ensure that they are appropriate for Deadwood. The Historic Preservation Commission uses the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation as a guide when determining the appropriateness of altering historic properties. The Standards are general in character and are to be used in conjunction with the Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings and Deadwood’s Downtown Design Guidelines. Each of these publications specifically outlines the various aspects of architectural design and what changes are appropriate for historic structures.