City Archives Traveling Exhibit Information

Theodore Roosevelt & Seth Bullock traveling exhibit at the Sculptor's Studio, Mount Rushmore National Memorial

Are you looking for a temporary indoor exhibit for your museum, library, informational center or archive?  Look no further the Deadwood Historic Preservation Commission will loan their traveling exhibits to archives, libraries, museums, and other public indoor venues.  There is no cost associated with the use of the exhibits, however, the borrowing institution will be responsible for shipping and handling costs.  Shipping will be arranged and paid for by the City of Deadwood.  Institutions can also choose to pick up and drop off the traveling exhibits.  Arrangements will need to be approved prior to the pick and drop off date

To reserve a traveling exhibit complete the form HERE and email it to:
For more information or to book an exhibit please contact:  Mike Runge or call (605) 578-2082


Click the exhibit titles for a full tour of each traveling exhibit.

Baseball in the Mining Camps
“Baseball in the Mining Camps” is a six panel exhibit chronicling the early development of baseball in the northern Black Hills as told through archival documents and photographs from a variety of northern hills museums and libraries.

Wild Bill Hickok Collection
The” Wild Bill Hickok Exhibit” is a six panel exhibit showcasing the lives of the Hickok family as told through archival documents.  In 2006, the Deadwood Historic Preservation Commission purchased one of the largest privately held collections of Wild Bill Hickok memorabilia in the United States.  The collection consisted of original photographs, personal correspondence, and other ephemera focusing on the lives of the Hickok family.

Theodore Roosevelt & Seth Bullock: Pards to the End
Two men from different backgrounds.  Both shared a reverence for the West, a respect to uphold the law, and a passion to preserve our nation’s natural resources.  2019 commemorates the 100th anniversary of Theodore Roosevelt’s and Seth Bullock’s deaths and the dedication of Mount Theodore Roosevelt – the first monument dedicated in memory of Roosevelt.  This eight panel exhibit chronicles the 26 year friend between Roosevelt and Bullock as told through archival materials from a variety local regional and national repositories.

Mount Moriah Cemetery
Nestled on a mountainous plateau overlooking Deadwood's downtown core district is one of the premier historic cemeteries in the Black Hills:  Mount Moriah Cemetery.  Established in 1878, this cemetery contains some of North America's most recognized Western legends, including James Butler "Wild Bill" Hickok, Martha "Calamity Jane" Canary, Seth Bullock, John "Potato Creek Johnny" Perrett, and Henry Weston "Preacher" Smith.  They represent a small portion of the more than 3,600 people buried in Mount Moriah whose memories have been carved, chiseled, and etched into the monuments within this cemetery.